About Sophie

There are many things I’ve done in my life. Nothing spectacular, profitable monetarily, nor that gained public acclaim. Along the way, however, I’ve learned much about life. Trying to do everything in a way that glorifies the Lord is my intent. My journey includes being a writer. I hope you will join me as I wander down the path of sharing words that will inspire hearts and grow spirits.
I strive to use issues common to man or woman in my writing hoping to illustrate the effects of our choices, and how, by following God's plan and instruction, our lives will become stories of faithful living.
I strive to use issues common to man or woman in my writing hoping to illustrate the effects of our choices, and how, by following God's plan and instruction, our lives will become stories of faithful living.
Sophie Dawson,
Why Sophie?
I didn’t want the confusion of using my real name to follow as I entered the writing arena, and thus Sophie was born.
Why Sophie? It comes from the purpose of my writing. In Proverbs, the Holy Spirit is Wisdom. She calls out wanting to impart her knowledge of God and His ways to those who will listen. In Greek, the word for wisdom is Sophia of which Sophie is a derivative. I’m not claiming any of God’s attributes. He has given me insight into some of His ways of handling life’s trials and events. These I want to impart through my fiction. He has given me the stories and the wise concepts He wants to pass on through them. Do I always obey and live those wise concepts? No, I fail often, but I do what I must to rectify failings, praying I will learn the lesson at once so God can move on to the next flaw in my character until I’m conformed more closely to His image. |
What's Sophie About?
As I said on my home page, I know a little bit about a lot of things. I'm interested in many topics. You'll find my Reflections here.
The topics will be varied. The events in my life will, at times, be reflected. Interests I have such as knitting & crochet, sewing & quilting, gardening, writing, etc. I'll try to put humor in the posts as laughter helps like a hug sometimes. Also, I'll be reviewing books by other authors, telling you about good Christian and/or clean reads. |