I've done it again. My email inboxes are overflowing. In my personal email there are 658 emails with 441 unread. In my Sophie email there are 806 with 494 unread. I have a couple of email addresses I use for specific activities also which have nearly 150 messages. Can you say "someone needs to sort out and unsubscribe?" I know, I should delete as I look at the mail each time. The trouble is I'm basically a cluttery person. The surfaces in my house are covered with things that need to be put away or dealt with in some fashion. That clutteriness has spilled over into my computer.
I'm going on a quilt retreat on Wednesday the 19th until Sunday. For a number of years I was a professional quilter. I'm not now but I still love sewing. I don't do a lot of quilting anymore. I just made one for my granddaughter which I will bind at the retreat. It's the quilt Katie made for Joel's birthday in Giving Love. I'm writing the pattern which I'll post another day. I'm going to be sewing clothing for myself, my granddaughter and American Girl dolls. I didn't get to sew for girls since I had two boys. I'm having fun doing it now. Here's the top before it was quilted. She likes owls and yellow and pink. Pretty bright. Over the past couple of weeks I've been gathering patterns and material to take. I'm going to cut out some things before I leave. Most likely as soon as I finish this post. I'm getting excited. I know you most likely don't really care what I sew but I may post pictures next week. Big Grin. I CAN"T WAIT UNTIL WEDNESDAY!!!
![]() My heart is sad today. A friend of my husband just passed away. They rode their Harleys together and were looking forward to doing so again this summer. Unfortunately he ignored the signs his body was telling him until it was too late. He was diagnosed in January and passed away March 10. One of my very good friends will be having surgery on Friday. We raised our boys together. Theirs are adopted. I was with her when she got the call that they had a baby boy to be picked up the next day. It's a day I'll never forget. The joy as she began yelling, "It's a boy. It's a boy. It's a boy." I kept my boys and her older son while she went to find her husband on the golf course. I helped buy the needed baby items at Walmart and took my crib over for the baby to sleep in while they went and got him. He will be 23 this summer.
Now she has ovarian cancer. She also ignored the signs. She doesn't like going to the doctor or taking any kind of medicine. She hadn't gone for seven years. It tears my heart to think I may lose this, one of my best friends, just as she has retired. There is the surgery and chemo ahead. Not the way I hoped we would spend her now freer time. I'll be with her husband and sons Friday at the hospital. Praying. I'm also praying that this post has an impact on you, the reader. I want you to not ignore what your body is telling you. Get that mammogram, that pap smear, that (yuck) colonoscopy. The discomfort is nothing compared to what you and your loved ones will go through if you put it off. My mother had breast cancer which went to the bones. She died at age 71. Way too young. When my sister called to say she'd been diagnosed I called and got an appointment with my doctor. I was already getting mammos every year but my doctor and I decided to go one step further. I had a PET scan. If I did have cancer it would be caught at an early stage. Fortunately, I was clean. My sister is now going on six years cancer free after her double mastectomy. Let your story be as happy as mine. Go straight to the doctor. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. Do not be one of those who put it off. Forgive me for such a downer post. As I said before, my heart is sad. My husband's friend left a wife, two children, a daughter-in-law and a grandson along with many friends who grieve for them today. All it takes is not putting off that call for an appointment. Modern medicine can do wonders, but only if you don't put it off. ![]() I know. I didn't post the last two Wednesdays. Honestly, I was too lazy and couldn't think of anything to write about. My goal in writing a blog is to have interesting content which will uplift, inform or simply entertain you, the reader. Nothing came to me these last couple of weeks. Confession time: I should have done some devotional writing which would have gotten me into the Scripture but I just didn't. I seem to be stiff-arming God lately. I don't want to read or study or even pray. I don't want to write or do other things I should be doing like clearing the clutter in my house. I'm succumbing to the temptation to do as little as possible and only read all day. It might be partly due to the cold, cold, cold weather BUT, God doesn't accept excuses.
So, what to do now? I guess that's pretty simple; pray, read, meditate, write, obey. That last one is the key to everything. Christ said that the one who does the will of the Father are his mother, brothers and sister. It's in Mark 3:33-35, Matt 12:48-50. Do a cross reference on these verses and you'll find that obeying the will of God is the way you show God that you love him. John 14:24-24 “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word. My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him.a 24 The one who doesn’t love Me will not keep My words. The word that you hear is not Mine but is from the Father who sent Me." Keep My word. That's Jesus talking. In order to obediently keep His word we have to know His word. In order to know His word we must be IN THE WORD. That's the kicker. I enjoy reading and reading my Bible is much harder than reading for pleasure. As I said before, I'm lazy. I pick up the pleasure reading rather than do the harder reading. The question is... which is more beneficial to me? By choosing to read Scripture I am obeying my God and King. So now I'm off to do the hard reading. Since I'm working on a book set during the time of Christ I'm working on the Gospels. So at the moment it's New Testament reading. Don't forget the Old Testament. Jesus wrote it too. He lived by it. He knew it and taught it. He came to fulfill the law not to destroy it. Matt 5:17 If you have been in your Bible regularly Huzzahs for you. If you're like me jump on the bandwagon with me. We'll both benefit and demonstrate to God that we love him. |
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April 2018