I have a granddaughter who will turn three in November. Her mother recently asked me to make some clothing for the two American Girl dolls she passed on to her daughter. Being a sewer (that's a person who sews not a stinky pipe in the ground), it is right up my alley. Being cheap, I searched the internet for free patterns. There are some but the same ones turn up on different sites all over the net. Not a problem, but I’d like to see a larger variety. I’m not spending $10 for a pattern to make doll clothes out of scraps of fabric and old clothes. During my wandering doll pattern sites I came across a couple of tutorials on re-purposing clothing you no longer where to create doll clothes. AH HA!! The solution to all those single socks found in my drier. You take the single sock and do a little stitching and voila, you have a pair of socks for Maggie or Emily. So cute and so easy. ![]() I also have socks still in pairs that the heel is getting a hole in. Instead of throwing them away I’ll make socks for the dolls. It takes less than 5 minutes a pair. I wear the heavy slipper socks around the house during the winter. Several pairs have the bottoms wearing through. The tops are long enough that I can make tights from them. The tutorial instilled the idea, but the method used was awkward so I devised my own. If you are interested in the technique simply click the link below. It's a 2 page pdf file. Being able to use that single sock or worn out pair is my little bit of revenge on the black hole the lost sock is sucked into. Take that you sucker. I’ve defeated you at last. ![]()
Recently I came across an blog I feel is worthy of passing on. It concerns the Prosperity Gospel preached by Joel Olsteen and Joyce Meyer. I sincerely hope none of my readers have fallen for this false teaching. There is much danger in this through its twisting and perverting The Word.
Rather than try to restate the concepts and arguments refuting such false teaching I will simply provide you with the link. It is my hope you will go to it, read it, watch the video and follow the links within the blog. The False Promise of the Prosperity Gospel: Why I Called Out Joel Osteen and Joyce Meyer This happened on Monday. Later in the day I couldn't figure out why my hair was all sticky. Then I remembered.
1. Grampa opens a 12 pack of Coke and takes one out. 2. Grampa puts a 12 pack of Coke on top of the freezer.. 3. Granddaughter wants a Popsicle. 4. Beemya (that's what she calls me) & granddaughter go into garage to get Popsicle. 5. Beemya opens freezer door. 6. Coke cans roll out of box and fall onto cement floor. 7. Two cans explode spraying Beemya with Coke. 8. America's funniest home videos flashes through Beemya's mind. 9. Granddaughter runs into house and hides in corner. 10. Beemya closes freezer door and adjusts cans not to fall. 11. Beemya goes in house and comforts scared little girl. Possible Step 12. Beemya shakes a can of Coke and hands it to Grampa.
Ice was easy. Press the glass to the lever and ice falls. Just like normal. Then I went looking for soda dispenser. Not seeing one I turned back to the what I thought was only an ice machine. I touched the screen and voila, not only did my diet Coke symbol came up but all sorts of flavored varieties were displayed as well. This may be old hat to those of you heralding from highly urban areas. For this old lady from the back of beyond it was so way cool. I'm a tech lover of anything cutting edge and unique. One very small reason I have Macs.
So my secret is out. Even though I don't buy all the new gadgets I love looking at them. I must confess though, I never go anywhere without my iPad.
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April 2018