Leah's Peace and Chasing Norie for Kindle are fixed now. If you purchased one that has the wide left margin delete it and download it again. The new file will be correct. Okay, everyone can give me a break now. Both books of the Stones Creek Series are available on Amazon. You can click on the covers and be taken to the Kindle page for each. Print and Large Print versions are just about finished and should be available later this week.
Leah's Peace is the first book in the series. I hope you enjoy the new characters and Stones Creek, CO in 1867. Nugget Nate and Penny Ryder show up too. Ben Cuttler the owner of the general store in town just happens to be Aggie's son. As to the Cottonwood Series. As you know George H McVey and I are working on a book together which brings his character Nathan Ryder back to Cottonwood for a while. We'll resume working on Redeeming Love shortly and have it out as soon as possible. PG has a couple of his Redemption Tales books he has to finish before we continue with RL. (We abbreviate the titles.) Yes, I know the title is the same as a book of Francine Rivers. It's not possible to copyright a title. But hey, pretty good publicity when someone searches using the title and ours just happens to come up along with Ms Rivers'. Not too shabby company. So go grab your copies of the Stones Creek Series and, if you like them, please leave a review. Happy reading.
I'm getting old. Last week I wrote that I was being interviewed on Penelope's Book Chat and forgot to give you the link. Well, the interview went well. So well they want me back when I release the Stones Creek books. I suppose I talk rather than leave silent gaps which aren't good for radio.
I must have talked about nonsense stuff because they edited it from 63 minutes down to 48. :) Either that or I was redundant. ;) They liked me enough to ask me back so I must have said something right. Seriously, the couple who produce and host the Book Chat are Christians so I was able to talk openly about how God directs my writing and how, if I take off on my own path it simply doesn't work. Also about my method of writing which centers on the concepts God wants emphasized in that particular story. Well, I'm not forgetting this week. Here's the link: http://bit.ly/12k1fuM Things are going well here on the ranch, or rather the farm. Even with the cold wet spring we have the crops almost all planted. Just a few beans and spots that are too wet for corn. My gardening isn’t going to well though. It’s what I should be doing now.
Instead I decided to let you know that, baring unforeseen life events Leah’s Peace and Chasing Norie will be released in early June. I’ll be at the Aledo Rhubarb Fest on June 7 & 8 in Aledo, IL selling print and large print copies in addition to the Cottonwood series books. If you’ve purchased print versions and would like them signed I’ll be happy to do that if you bring them along. Redeeming Love, the 4th book in the Cottonwood Series will not be available then. George McVey, the co-author, was quite in and spent time in the hospital and recovering so that project was put on the back burner for a while. I’m hoping to have some print books of his available at the Fest too for you to buy and get acquainted with Nugget Nate’s grandson Nathan and his wife Grace as they start life together. Nathan, a minister, has earned the reputation of being a gunfighter called The Preacher. Redeeming Reputation chronicles his struggle in reconciling his calling as a pastor and the need for justice and mercy in the old West. He meets his wife Grace in the book too. It’s available on Amazon as well as smashwords.com. PG’s next book Redeeming Trail is in the edit stage and he hopes to have it available during Rhubarb Fest also. Friday, May 17 at 6:00 PM CDT I will be the featured author on Penelope’s Book Chat internet radio blog. It’s about a one hour interview during which you can call in and ask questions. I hope you can listen live but it will be available online for later listening. Well, the day is beautiful and the outside calls. I need to get a little gardening done then get back to editing. ![]() Despite the so called gains women have made in the past forty years feminism has failed. Certainly progress has been made in career opportunities, more equal pay, somewhat more influence in policy, etc. But on a whole, feminism has failed to achieve the basic attitude shift it was meant to garner. Moreover, I contend it never can. I’m a daughter of the movement. I was in high school in the late sixties and early seventies. Just below the age of the women who were promoting it. I remember the demonstrations. The burning of bras. The speeches declaring the rights of women in the workplace. How men were going to accept and treat women as equals. The declaration that women would no longer be defined by the size of their breasts, the shape of their body, their looks. Are you beginning to see why I say the movement failed? What is the main focus of, not only men, but many women today? The size of breasts. The very goal of the feminist movement was to eliminate body shape and breast size as a defining factor of a woman has become the focus of today’s society. It is at the point where even tween girls are suffering from eating disorders. Failure. Another failure; allowing and respecting the choice of the woman to pursue a career or stay at home to raise her children. Even in the seventies, the height of the feminist movement, women who chose to consider motherhood and family over working outside the home were looked down upon. I know this because I lived it. My husband and I decided that raising our children was more important than my working outside the home. At gatherings and parties where we knew few of the people, when I was asked what I did, as soon as I replied that I was at home a wall would come down. Sometimes you could almost hear the crash. No longer was I an interesting or intelligent person worthy of continued conversation. So much for being accepted and respected no matter what you chose to make your life’s focus. Failure. It’s funny, many children of that generation, those whose mothers worked outside the home and were thus in day-care, are choosing to stay home. In this economic time this tells you something about the effect of the choice of the mother to not be at home with their young children. Please don’t get me wrong, I realize many women have to work. But the fact that these young mothers would rather be home with their children, sacrificing material things says much. Rather than giving their child stuff, they would rather give them a devoted mom. Spring has sprung I can tell My nose is running And I think that spring has sprung. Just a little poem I learned from my mom. ![]() Dandelion wine anyone? Finally spring is here. Well, it really seemed to come last week but I was in Duluth, MN over the weekend celebrating with my sister her five year cancer free. Good reason and a good party. So now I have all the yard and garden work to do. Last year I planted peas, beets, lettuce and spinach on March 17. Nothing is planted yet and the garden boxes aren’t even cleaned out. April was just plain cold and yucky. We needed the rain but even on days it didn’t rain it was too cold for me to do garden work. Yes, I’m a woous I don’t do cold and windy. My minimum temperature to work outside is 59º. ![]() So today, May 1, is sunny and 78º there is lots of work needing to be done outside, and where am I… Just got back from the podiatrist with my foot taped up with plantar fasciitis and a bum knee. On Sunday carrying my suitcase down the stairs I wrenched my knee. I should go hunt up my knee brace. I’ll be heading to the chiropractor tomorrow since my back needs cracked. I’m lying on the couch in my sun room writing this and planning the list of all the things that need to be done. It’s planting time here on the farm so neither my husband or son are available to help. Not to worry. My pastor’s son is looking to make some money. I’ll be picking him up from school this afternoon and we’ll get started. He’s about 15 so he can’t drive out here yet.
I figure I can get about three to four hours from him today and most of the day Saturday. It’s supposed to rain the next two days. That’s the plan anyway. Isn’t spring wonderful? |
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