Leah's Peace and Chasing Norie for Kindle are fixed now. If you purchased one that has the wide left margin delete it and download it again. The new file will be correct. Okay, everyone can give me a break now. Both books of the Stones Creek Series are available on Amazon. You can click on the covers and be taken to the Kindle page for each. Print and Large Print versions are just about finished and should be available later this week.
Leah's Peace is the first book in the series. I hope you enjoy the new characters and Stones Creek, CO in 1867. Nugget Nate and Penny Ryder show up too. Ben Cuttler the owner of the general store in town just happens to be Aggie's son. As to the Cottonwood Series. As you know George H McVey and I are working on a book together which brings his character Nathan Ryder back to Cottonwood for a while. We'll resume working on Redeeming Love shortly and have it out as soon as possible. PG has a couple of his Redemption Tales books he has to finish before we continue with RL. (We abbreviate the titles.) Yes, I know the title is the same as a book of Francine Rivers. It's not possible to copyright a title. But hey, pretty good publicity when someone searches using the title and ours just happens to come up along with Ms Rivers'. Not too shabby company. So go grab your copies of the Stones Creek Series and, if you like them, please leave a review. Happy reading.
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