![]() The date is Saturday, February 20, 2016. Simple Thoughts on Philippians will be on sale on Amazon for $2.99. I've set it up for Pre-Sale which should allow its purchase before that date to be sent to your Kindle (app) early on the 20th. If you have Kindle Unlimited you can read it for free. Either way please post a review whether you like it or not. Below are the first few of my simple thoughts so you can have a taste. Simple Thoughts on Philippians I don’t claim to be a Biblical scholar in any way shape or form. I’m simply a believer in the Trinity comprised of God the Father, Yeshua the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The thoughts on the Scripture are mine as the Holy Spirit teaches me. Your thoughts are most likely different or, at the most, similar. That’s okay. My hope is that you allow the Holy Spirit to open each verse to reveal something new or reaffirm your understanding. I usually use the term HaShem when referring to God the Father or the Trinity. The word god has been watered down, misapplied or used as a swear word in our society. HaShem is Hebrew for The Name. I use Yeshua as it is Hebrew where Jesus is Greek. I use Sophie for the Holy Spirit as it means wisdom which is one of the gifts given by this most often forgotten member of the Trinity. If the verse reference has an * it is a second thought on that verse. All Scriptures come from the ESV or HCSB translations. Phil 1:1-2 Paul and Timothy, servants of Jesus Christ; To all the saints in Christ Jesus who are at Philippi, with the overseers and servants: Grace to you, and peace from God, our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ. This is a love letter to the Philippians. Paul is in prison in Rome. The book is filled with his love and concern for them. He gives them encouragement and teaching. He thanks them for their support in both material and spiritual ways. It is evident he misses them and longs to return to Philippi. Unfortunately, he is never able to do so. Paul writes this letter not long before he is executed by Nero. One of the blessings faith in Yeshua give us is the security in the fact we will see loved ones in the faith once we are in Heaven. We know that, like Paul, we will be reunited with friends and family who have accepted Yeshua as savior. This should spur us on to witness so that we can be reunited after our death. It is my hope you will experience Paul’s love as you read the thoughts I have been blessed to share with you. Phil 1:3-5 I thank my God whenever I remember you, always in every request of mine on behalf of you all making my requests with joy, for your partnership in furtherance of the Good News from the first day until now; Paul prays for those in Philippi, for their good and thanks for their growth, etc. He prays with joy for them. His emotional attachment is obvious. He thanks God for them. I know I don't thank HaShem often enough for my family and friends. I don't thank him for their support of me in not only what I do but, more importantly, they’re holding me accountable in my walk. I've gone to my pastor many times for counsel. Often I left his office not liking his advice even though it is based on Scripture. He knew I wasn't pleased. He reads body language and micro expressions very well. As I thought his advice over I realized it is correct. I emailed him each time letting him know I finally understood what he said and thanked him. I thank HaShem for him and others not nearly enough. Phil 1:6 being confident of this very thing, that he who began a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. HaShem wants the development of our character to become more like Christ. The work has begun and will not stop until all is completed at the return. This promise is that HaShem will continue to mold us to His image ,not that we will get to that point. We need to be teachable, open to Sophia's (Holy Spirit’s) counsel and prodding. One thing about our Lord, He is patient and stubborn. If we don’t learn the lesson he is impressing upon us we will be confronted with it over and over again. There is a song by David Whittmore entitled Take Another Lap Around Mount Sinai that sums this up very well. Go on and take another lap around Mt. Sinai Til you learn your lesson Till you stop your whining and you quit your rebellin' Till you learn to stand in your day of testin' By trustin' and obeyin' in the Lord When this chorus comes to mind I know I need to take another lap around Mt. Sinai until I learn the lesson. Working on the rough ground that is is us is hard work. It takes careful reflection and honest evaluation of the fact that all is not right. We need to humble ourselves before HaShem, seeking his forgiveness and help. If I could change by myself I would, but I can’t, and I dare say you can’t either.
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